
2020 had so much potential. We welcomed the year with a long list of plans, dreams, and expectations. Creativity in a time of crisis was the furthest thing from my mind. I wanted to make this web and blog a destination for busy entrepreneurs wanting to create and develop bilingualContinue Reading


When you don’t have a plan, there’s no way to know for sure if you’re spending your limited time and effort on what will have the greatest impact on your ROI. And for that very reason, your plan must make room for your small biz content. The truth is, if youContinue Reading


If your business doesn’t have a website, how will people know you are out there? And if your website doesn’t have a business blog, how will the people who find you know your story? Yes, you can and should share snippets of your story and develop your business narrative onContinue Reading


And how to use them as inspiration to develop your brand narrative. As a brand, I’m quite sure you’ve been drilled on the importance of your core values as a cornerstone of your business. But they should not be left on the pages of your business plan. A string ofContinue Reading


Taller Virtual: adaptándonos ante el cambio Es un gusto para mi haber pasado las pasadas semanas preparando nuestro primer taller virtual en cuenta regresiva! Estos días han sido otro testimonio de la capacidad que todos tenemos para adaptarnos a los cambios y buscar oportunidades. Cuando fue evidente para mí queContinue Reading