
You might think this is a post focused on style or fashion. And it is, but not quite. Style and fashion are part of the workplace and that’s where I will take you. Inside work and work meetings in particular. A meeting can be tedious enough, overwhelming enough, stressful orContinue Reading


Today is one of those days when you feel like getting all your bits and pieces together and going out the door. A day when whatever unknowns out there seems better than what’s in here. I get it. Today you might be feeling quitting is definitely the answer. Stop! WhenContinue Reading

Hi! I’m Gaba, In this first Vlog I want to introduce myself and what this channel will be all about. It’s been a long time since I dared to publish a video of myself, and it was about time to begin again. Through this personal Vlog I want you toContinue Reading