
The first book I ever read that opened my millennial mindset to the word hustle was Spark and Hustle by Tory Johnson. Before that book, I had only learned to hustled in college and graduate school. I made my time there an opportunity for personal ego-building achievements that don’t countContinue Reading

My self-published trade book arrived and I must say, I’m pleased with the final product and the book-making process with Blurb as a whole. These are the details of the book I made: Trade Book Format (size 6×9) Soft Cover Economy, standard paper (matte) 28 pages. Text and images. FirstContinue Reading


Hi! It’s Gaba Someone recently asked on Quora about self-publishing platforms, and I thought it would make a good first self-publishing vlog. From the beginning, I’ve used for print on demand and KDP for digital. I find these are user-friendly platforms, with templates, layouts, and designs for beginner authorsContinue Reading