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As I pointed out in the first of my Cre8ive ID vlog series, creativity is shape-shifting. 

In its many forms, creativity spreads all over essential aspects of our daily life and the basic dynamics of our world. It impacts art and cultural heritage, conventional industries like publishing and creative industries like Design.

Each of these areas of creative production can be further divided. And if the end result of the venture, product or service directly impacts a community in need, then, we’re in the realm of the social creative.

Being a Social Creative is not a new creative trend.

Social creatives/entrepreneurs have been around, working to raise awareness, building resources and bettering the condition of marginalized communities, all throughout history. But thanks to the social connectivity we enjoy today, the impact these ventures have has grown exponentially. Now they can share their success stories, spread the word, connect with others working remotely, and bridge the gap between those isolated, marginalized communities, and the rest of the world.

The social creative or social entrepreneur is an agent of change. She tackles pressing problems in the areas of education, development, health, and social/environmental challenges. Her innovations have one focus, above profit or fame: to lift people up and empower communities.

The Social Creative is someone who:

  1. Pays attention and goes hunting for problems to solve outside his comfort zone.
  2. Implements revolutionary thinking to transform needs into opportunities.
  3. Focuses on community sustainability as well as business sustainability.
  4. Aims for social impact that is authentic and comes from the people/community itself.
  5. Leads with a sense of empathy and with the main goal of empowering others.

Are you a social creative, we’ll love to feature your story on the blog! Reach out through our contact page.

Want to read and be inspired by social creatives’ stories of change?

Social Creatives: Mastering The Art of Change

Economina Naranja: Innovaciones en America Latina y el Caribe.

Want to read other perspectives on the social entrepreneur?

14 Social Entrepreneur Ideas That Will Surprise or Inspire you

22 Awesome Social Enterprise Business Ideas

Social Entrepreneurs: Unleashing Creative Destruction for Social Change


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