
How to live under the stress of an ever-changing world and self. Every day we wake up in a slightly different body. The changes, most times, are too minuscule to notice. We don’t suddenly grow an extra arm or lose a toe. But we are different, on a cellular level.Continue Reading


I don’t enjoy being the bearer of bad news, but maybe is time someone bursts your dreaming bubble and shows you a better way to dream and reach for what you want. Full disclosure, I’ve been punching some lengthy day-dreaming hours for as long as I can remember. In fact,Continue Reading


The truth is, 2020 lockdowns, isolation, uncertainty, and anxiety came to challenge my creative impulses. With all the time in the world at my disposal, barely any action was taken to fan my creative flames after the first few months, By the end, a final exhausting push made me crossContinue Reading


Art in a post covid19 world is in danger. The survival of the performing and visual arts depends on you. How can you support the creative individuals who keep the culture and cultural experiences alive in your community? And why is fighting for art in a post-COVID 19 world pivotalContinue Reading


Difficult times call for perspective, reflection, and action. During this global pandemic, local businesses have been hit hard, many are a casualty of the economy coming to a sudden halt, others are hanging by a thread. I want to offer some inspiration and hope from brands that are sticking theContinue Reading


2020 had so much potential. We welcomed the year with a long list of plans, dreams, and expectations. Creativity in a time of crisis was the furthest thing from my mind. I wanted to make this web and blog a destination for busy entrepreneurs wanting to create and develop bilingualContinue Reading


When you don’t have a plan, there’s no way to know for sure if you’re spending your limited time and effort on what will have the greatest impact on your ROI. And for that very reason, your plan must make room for your small biz content. The truth is, if youContinue Reading


Now more than ever it’s time to engage in reflection and action, as the antidotes to social distancing and feelings of loss, isolation, frustration, and fear. We all want things to go “back to normal.” But the best thing you can do right is to take life as it is,Continue Reading


5 Effective Ways to Identify and Engage Your Tribe’s Point of View Yes! You want to know, connect and engage your tribe or community of top fans and followers. At any stage of your business and brand’s journey, your raving fans and avid followers will stick their heads out forContinue Reading