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First, there’re a couple of key things you must now right off the bat. A personal brand is not built in a day. You create your brand with your journey.

A brand is not a logo, a great WordPress theme, curated images with ethereal filters. Share on X

Your personal brand is you. So, Who are you? What do you stand for? What do you believe in?

How to create the authentic brand of you without losing you in the process?

As I wrote on a recent Patreon post and learned on a favorite CreativeLive class, Brand of You, a personal brand, simply put, is the equivalent of a personal journey.

Once you make this shift in thinking about what a personal brand is, you realize is very difficult to actually fake an authentic brand, and when it is fake, you know it.

Create Your Brand as A Journey

How to create your journey?

You need to curate your life, mining objectively and subjectively for the activities, experiences, situations, conversations, that have left you feeling a true sense of self-fulfillment, inner peace. These moments of flow are the building blocks of your true journey and therefore, the brand you are and want to create more of.

How to keep your soul?

Refrain as much as humanly possible from comparisons. It’s okay to look for inspiration and motivation in what others are doing with their brands and their journey. But starts to become unhealthy and pointless to dwell on comparisons. You build a brand and keep your soul by listening to it in the first place. What feels right? What makes sense to who you are, what you want to say? That’s what matters.

Don’t sell your soul for a cute, fashionable or clever design only. Design is great to look at, but after a while, you as a reader want more. You want to feel engaged but also inspired. You want to connect with the person behind the brand, not just with fun plugins, colors and fonts.

Go back to a set of personal goals, routines, and beliefs. These elements will keep you grounded on your journey and will provide the inner fuel for you to flow through it.

Share below the steps you’re taking to shape your personal brand today…

Suggested reading for the inspired bookshelf:

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