
How to live under the stress of an ever-changing world and self. Every day we wake up in a slightly different body. The changes, most times, are too minuscule to notice. We don’t suddenly grow an extra arm or lose a toe. But we are different, on a cellular level.Continue Reading


The Nightmare Before Christmas for me was an acquired taste. At the time it came out, weirdness and eccentricity were two things I wanted to avoid at all cost. I was also nine years old, a very jumpy and easily scared nine-year-old. The movie was not for me. I’m moreContinue Reading

What’s in a box? The creative answer is… what can’t there be? Sure, as creative entrepreneurs and creatives, in general, we are always advocating for out-of-the-box thinking. We run from the possibility of being boxed-in like the plague. Yes, we want to break that box and wreck that wheel, whenContinue Reading

From the creative mind of Joseph Gordon-Levitt and his team sprang the concept of a collective of online freelance creators, with the aim to promote collaboration across all fields, interests and skills. HitRecord functions as a production company based on a crowd-sourced model. Artists, actors, musicians, designers, photographers, creatives ofContinue Reading

Before we can greet another creative month, let’s review some of the tools and experiences we enjoyed the most in April. In no particular order 😉 Book Fairs. The month of April signaled the beginning of book fair season. We love following the progress of local and international book fairsContinue Reading

Curiosity is what fuels the creative mind. When we were children, it was our curiosity what made us explore the world. Thanks to that curiosity we learned and grew at an exponential pace. Unfortunately, as we became more familiar with our environment, the more we knew about our world, theContinue Reading