
Hi! It’s Gaba Someone recently asked on Quora about self-publishing platforms, and I thought it would make a good first self-publishing vlog. From the beginning, I’ve used CreateSpace.com for print on demand and KDP for digital. I find these are user-friendly platforms, with templates, layouts, and designs for beginner authorsContinue Reading

Hi! I’m Gaba, In this first Vlog I want to introduce myself and what this channel will be all about. It’s been a long time since I dared to publish a video of myself, and it was about time to begin again. Through this personal Vlog I want you toContinue Reading

Why should we feel any measure of shame when we decide to change paths, careers, relationships? Does life always stay the same? Does anybody’s life trajectory is truly linear? No, our lives’ stories (like the best stories) have twists and turns. We move forward and step back, recalculate, go again.Continue Reading


It seems fitting to inaugurate the re-birth of The Creative Confidential Blog by answering this recent #Quora #Question: Why You Should Be Blogging In 2018? with a post. The up-voted answer was originally shared by marketing expert Matt Brennan from the Business2Business Community. Inspired by his on-the-nose answer, I want toContinue Reading

Speaking of Blogging… Blogloving is a site that allows you to curate the content you want to see, read and feed your inspiration from. It’s a good way to ease yourself into the blogging community. It’s about being a follower while you are becoming a leader. It’s about time management.Continue Reading


Hello and welcome to this creative corner. A space where this creative writer and editor will allow thoughts, ideas, and questions to flow free. There’s great clarity to be gained from the act of writing things down. This will be a living notebook. Here you’ll find a collection of ordinaryContinue Reading