First, there’re a couple of key things you must now right off the bat. A personal brand is not built in a day. You create your brand with your journey. Your personal brand is you. So, Who are you? What do you stand for? What do you believe in? How toContinue Reading

It happens…it happens once and it happens often. We just don’t feel creative or creative enough… we face a creative drought… No one is immune to this feeling. We may all fall into this creative funk. Especially at times of transition from one project to the next, when we areContinue Reading

You build your creative path one mindful stone at a time. Sometimes you will have to build your path over difficult terrain, and each stone must be manifested from the sand. As we sometimes do when we listen to our favorite Youtubers for inspiration, yesterday we wrote down an interestingContinue Reading


Confession: I consume great quantities of content on a daily basis…pretty normal. But after a while, I realized, instead of feeling energized and inspired, I was feeling drained and exhausted! How am I working on striking the right balance between consuming content and creating? Doing a better job at keepingContinue Reading

Hi! I’m Gaba, In this first Vlog I want to introduce myself and what this channel will be all about. It’s been a long time since I dared to publish a video of myself, and it was about time to begin again. Through this personal Vlog I want you toContinue Reading


Hello and welcome to this creative corner. A space where this creative writer and editor will allow thoughts, ideas, and questions to flow free. There’s great clarity to be gained from the act of writing things down. This will be a living notebook. Here you’ll find a collection of ordinaryContinue Reading