
What do you stand for? That’s one foundational question you must take time to ask yourself, because what you stand for dictates what you believe in from the core of your being, what values and principles guide your life, what are you willing and ready to do, when and whereContinue Reading


Striking the right balance between working on your personal growth and connecting through collaboration with others is the conundrum of the freelance creative. The wave of co-working spaces, crowd-sourcing projects, and crowdfunding ideas is ultimately pulling us toward community, social interaction, outside spaces away from our own, other people awayContinue Reading


Creative leaders need to find assertive ways to communicate their vision. No matter how innovative or game-changing an idea might be, if it comes out of us poorly expressed it will lay flat on the floor, it will not reach the emotional core of our audience or engage its intellectContinue Reading

As part of the spiritual and mental improvement of this creative gal, continued learning is a priority and online classes are top of the list. 20% Skill Even though one shouldn’t put a price on a great education (or educational experience) the reality is taking traditional avenues to improve ourContinue Reading