
It’s all about the doing. But I’m all about the thinking! or rather about the overthinking. I could spend bottomless hours diving deeper and deeper into my own thoughts. Aimless contemplation has been a preferred pastime since childhood. I studied English Literature because it combined the luxury of reading, writingContinue Reading


Ugh! to be in a job environment that’s uninspiring, draining, bland and meh… Not all of us are (or will ever be) lucky enough to work in a place that’s open to creativity, supportive of curiosity and willing to provide opportunities that push us to the limit and offer spaceContinue Reading


There’s people out there, companies, teams, private individuals looking for solutions, solutions they cannot manufacture, solutions they might not even see. They are willing and able to pay you, pay the freelancer, to bring those solutions to life. Could they sit down, and find the solutions themselves? They could. CouldContinue Reading

From the creative mind of Joseph Gordon-Levitt and his team sprang the concept of a collective of online freelance creators, with the aim to promote collaboration across all fields, interests and skills. HitRecord functions as a production company based on a crowd-sourced model. Artists, actors, musicians, designers, photographers, creatives ofContinue Reading

To be an engaging educator you have to be creative. You might not see yourself as an educator. But you definitely are if you are: passionate about sharing your knowledge or experience through any online or offline channel. a born or learned communicator. adding value to others by exposing themContinue Reading

For this Creative ID series‘ post, let’s start diving deeper into the many creative identities that are out there. We’ll begin with that of the Artist-Maker. As other creative entrepreneurs, the artist-maker is driven to create. His craft is not only a hobby but a passion that permeates all aspectsContinue Reading

As I pointed out in the first of my Cre8ive ID vlog series, creativity is shape-shifting.  In its many forms, creativity spreads all over essential aspects of our daily life and the basic dynamics of our world. It impacts art and cultural heritage, conventional industries like publishing and creative industriesContinue Reading