
This past week was one of those when I felt creative to the bone. So I want to share with you some of my creative small wins, to inspire your own. I’m inspired by my collaboration with Wanderella and the empowering message of her graphic designs. I did a littleContinue Reading


Write that book and print it too. Yes! you use that book to promote yourself, your brand, your business, what you are about and what you hope to accomplish. You give your book as a digital download and feel pretty happy not having to haul physical books around. But whyContinue Reading


Who doesn’t want a good excuse to take a road trip, search for a weekend getaway or a summer escapade? What better opportunity to create memories and be inspired by the adventure and the people you share it with? Whether we travel far and wide or simply reach the otherContinue Reading

The democratization of media gives us a rainbow of options to paint our world with new ideas and innovative perspectives. I’ve always been a fan of magazines, their colorful graphics, and unique format. The whole industry is one huge production machine. They plastered the walls of bookstores, stacked high onContinue Reading