
The Nightmare Before Christmas for me was an acquired taste. At the time it came out, weirdness and eccentricity were two things I wanted to avoid at all cost. I was also nine years old, a very jumpy and easily scared nine-year-old. The movie was not for me. I’m moreContinue Reading

The Self-Healing Power of Writing. There are mindful activities that connect us with a sense of self, unattainable through anything else. Music, artistic expressions, dance, painting, drawing, writing. We do this naturally, almost unaware of the power they hold on our very human soul. As a writer, I’m drawn toContinue Reading

(This post was inspired by Blurb‘s creative question: What’s your perfect creative Sunday) When Monday rolls around, do you feel energized and ready to face a brand new week? Do you feel the full force of your creative self, ideas and potential oozing from your creative soul? or do youContinue Reading


The mind is the beginning of everything. From our thoughts come our reality, from our perspectives come the way we see and interpret the world. And from our imagination come the many creative paths we follow. When we talk about the mind we might picture only its most safe andContinue Reading


**This is not a sponsored post** During the past week I’ve been trying the Calm app. I downloaded the app on my android tablet for free and began the mindful exploration. The 7 Days of Calm is a perfect program to start a meditation practice. The voice that guides youContinue Reading

In a recent post, we talked about the importance of cultivating mindfulness. This practice aims for a state of mental quietness, stillness, and awareness. One way to incorporate these three essential elements is through meditation. Even today the practice of meditation seems foreign for most. Those who understand its benefits stillContinue Reading

You build your creative path one mindful stone at a time. Sometimes you will have to build your path over difficult terrain, and each stone must be manifested from the sand. As we sometimes do when we listen to our favorite Youtubers for inspiration, yesterday we wrote down an interestingContinue Reading

It’s difficult to swim against the current. It’s especially difficult to fight against the negative tide of other people’s fears, anxieties, failures, and mistakes projected onto us. As difficult as it is, negativity from others is part of the creative process. As creatives, we will have ideas, visions, projects thatContinue Reading