What’s in a box? The creative answer is… what can’t there be? Sure, as creative entrepreneurs and creatives, in general, we are always advocating for out-of-the-box thinking. We run from the possibility of being boxed-in like the plague. Yes, we want to break that box and wreck that wheel, whenContinue Reading

The democratization of media gives us a rainbow of options to paint our world with new ideas and innovative perspectives. I’ve always been a fan of magazines, their colorful graphics, and unique format. The whole industry is one huge production machine. They plastered the walls of bookstores, stacked high onContinue Reading

My self-published trade book arrived and I must say, I’m pleased with the final product and the book-making process with Blurb as a whole. These are the details of the book I made: Trade Book Format (size 6×9) Soft Cover Economy, standard paper (matte) 28 pages. Text and images. FirstContinue Reading

Every day, every week and month is full of potential discoveries. I want to wrap up a month of progress with a roundup of my favorite products, insights, discoveries and creative milestones. Here we go! Favorites:  Milano Sky for an accent font Pexels for visual inspiration Trello for visual organizationContinue Reading

I might be an author of written books, but I’m also a very visual person. I know the value of an image, be it on the cover of a book or inside a family album. Creativity for Lasting Memories Our everyday life is filled with flashing moments, passing smiles, smallContinue Reading