
La gratitud es algo que tu cultivas “No me siento muy agradecido hoy,” dijo este amigo. A veces es difícil “sentir” gratitud, entiendo completamente. Pero, a pesar de que todos quisieramos “sentirnos” agradecidos, olvidamos “ser” agradecidos primero. Esto me recuerda una cita de Gretchen Rubin, en dos de sus librosContinue Reading


Let’s get planning a successful workshop that delights! Next April the Creative Atelier will hold its first workshop of 2020. It’s going to be a local-live workshop in Spanish, but you’ll be able to follow its progress on Instagram @creative_atelier and FB @cre8iveatelier. (The workshop’s presentation and transcript will laterContinue Reading


Let’s get down to business. Your content creation business that is, and the importance of prioritizing the four pillars of content creation to spread, validate and strengthen your global connection. Even if you are a small business, focusing exclusively on your local market, you need to leave yourself room toContinue Reading


The last step in the creative habit trifecta is the rewards. The way to finally cement a new habit and make it part of your daily routine is by setting up your creative rewards. In this mini-post I want you to pause for a moment and reflect on the waysContinue Reading


How can you be in creative flow on a daily basis? At some point in your life, I know you have felt the magic of creative flow. You’ve been completely immersed in your activity, not knowing exactly what were the triggers for your creative flow. You can recreate the conditionsContinue Reading


One of the key things a creative must cultivate is his or her curiosity. The desire to remain curious is a human prerogative. If it hadn’t been for curiosity, I doubt our ancestors would have stepped very far from their caves. Let’s move you farther from your own “creative cave”Continue Reading


Gratitude Is Something You Cultivate “I’m not feeling very grateful today,” said this friend of mine. Sometimes is hard to “feel” gratitude, I completely understand. But while we all would like to “feel” grateful, we forget to “be” grateful in the first place. I’m reminded of a Gretchen Rubin’s quote,Continue Reading


The 9.5 things I like and the 1 thing I hate! Here’s the deal, there’re more than 9.5 things I like about creativity, but I wanted to challenge myself to pick only 9 and a half. Let’s see what comes out of this little exercise. One day I was sittingContinue Reading


2020 is here and your creative self has come to party! The hard truth is, 2019 could have been a lot better. Or to be more accurate, you could have been a lot better. Many things got in the way of your most creative self. I feel ya. The “problem”Continue Reading