
Do Baby boomers have a knack for raining on your millennial parade? By the time you put on your big girl’s clothes and walked inside the office building, crawling with baby boomers, all of a sudden you are given the stink eye. But the work landscape is changing. The millennialContinue Reading


You might think this is a post focused on style or fashion. And it is, but not quite. Style and fashion are part of the workplace and that’s where I will take you. Inside work and work meetings in particular. A meeting can be tedious enough, overwhelming enough, stressful orContinue Reading


Don’t Work Harder. Work Smarter It’s easy to forget that working harder at something is not the answer. It might seem to had worked for our parents and grandparents. But the reality that they sometimes miss is the fact that the people who found lasting success were the ones whoContinue Reading


Lacking a positive attitude @ work? Let me be completely honest and bold. The problem is not your job. The first steps toward a positive attitude at work: Shifting Perspectives How do you see your job and your role there has everything to do with how you feel when you areContinue Reading

Are you overlooking the power of being a creative writer? Creative side hustle ideas abound. For many years I neglect to look into them to explore my passions and ended up feeling an uncomfortable frustration that came from within. If you are a writer having any or all of thoseContinue Reading


Today is one of those days when you feel like getting all your bits and pieces together and going out the door. A day when whatever unknowns out there seems better than what’s in here. I get it. Today you might be feeling quitting is definitely the answer. Stop! WhenContinue Reading


As we were growing up, we were all repeatedly told about the things we could accomplish, if we only set our bright millennial minds to it. I don’t believe we were lied to,. Clearly, our parents and teachers certainly left some key information out. They gave us shiny participation awards.Continue Reading


Ugh! to be in a job environment that’s uninspiring, draining, bland and meh… Not all of us are (or will ever be) lucky enough to work in a place that’s open to creativity, supportive of curiosity and willing to provide opportunities that push us to the limit and offer spaceContinue Reading


Striking the right balance between working on your personal growth and connecting through collaboration with others is the conundrum of the freelance creative. The wave of co-working spaces, crowd-sourcing projects, and crowdfunding ideas is ultimately pulling us toward community, social interaction, outside spaces away from our own, other people awayContinue Reading