
How to live under the stress of an ever-changing world and self. Every day we wake up in a slightly different body. The changes, most times, are too minuscule to notice. We don’t suddenly grow an extra arm or lose a toe. But we are different, on a cellular level.Continue Reading


Art in a post covid19 world is in danger. The survival of the performing and visual arts depends on you. How can you support the creative individuals who keep the culture and cultural experiences alive in your community? And why is fighting for art in a post-COVID 19 world pivotalContinue Reading


2020 had so much potential. We welcomed the year with a long list of plans, dreams, and expectations. Creativity in a time of crisis was the furthest thing from my mind. I wanted to make this web and blog a destination for busy entrepreneurs wanting to create and develop bilingualContinue Reading


La gratitud es algo que tu cultivas “No me siento muy agradecido hoy,” dijo este amigo. A veces es difícil “sentir” gratitud, entiendo completamente. Pero, a pesar de que todos quisieramos “sentirnos” agradecidos, olvidamos “ser” agradecidos primero. Esto me recuerda una cita de Gretchen Rubin, en dos de sus librosContinue Reading


How can you be in creative flow on a daily basis? At some point in your life, I know you have felt the magic of creative flow. You’ve been completely immersed in your activity, not knowing exactly what were the triggers for your creative flow. You can recreate the conditionsContinue Reading


One of the key things a creative must cultivate is his or her curiosity. The desire to remain curious is a human prerogative. If it hadn’t been for curiosity, I doubt our ancestors would have stepped very far from their caves. Let’s move you farther from your own “creative cave”Continue Reading


The 9.5 things I like and the 1 thing I hate! Here’s the deal, there’re more than 9.5 things I like about creativity, but I wanted to challenge myself to pick only 9 and a half. Let’s see what comes out of this little exercise. One day I was sittingContinue Reading


An authentic love letter to myself, Today might be the worst possible day to ask yourself the question: What is your authentic love. Or maybe the most appropriate. Because, on this day you feel vulnerable and ready to stay on the surface of your feelings. Dare to dip your headContinue Reading


An obvious way to begin a new year is with a blank-slate mentality and a list of resolutions. Take a look at the things left on the table; the projects you started but didn’t finished, the ideas and the dreams. Your goals are there. Is there something that can orContinue Reading