I’ve had a lot of fun trying new things to make blogging more fun. These are some of my favorite creative tools to enhance your projects, blog and brand. Creative Tool #1: BeFunky This free editing platform helped me customize the visual content. Its filters, fonts, and overlays add anContinue Reading


The Creative Market is one of my favorite platforms to find design inspiration and after reading this it will be one of yours too. I’m always looking for ways to enhance the professional look and feel of this blog. One of my on-going projects is to develop a mini-course ofContinue Reading

In light of the recent news surrounding Facebook’s shady involvement in the data-mining scandal, a question has become more relevant than ever, what responsibility do we have to our clients and followers as creative entrepreneurs? When creativity sparks a business venture and the creation becomes a business itself we noContinue Reading

For this Creative ID series‘ post, let’s start diving deeper into the many creative identities that are out there. We’ll begin with that of the Artist-Maker. As other creative entrepreneurs, the artist-maker is driven to create. His craft is not only a hobby but a passion that permeates all aspectsContinue Reading

As I pointed out in the first of my Cre8ive ID vlog series, creativity is shape-shifting.  In its many forms, creativity spreads all over essential aspects of our daily life and the basic dynamics of our world. It impacts art and cultural heritage, conventional industries like publishing and creative industriesContinue Reading

This #Vlog and post will be part of the Creative ID Series, a way for me to dive deeper into the concepts and definitions that have sprung from the research and finding in The Orange Economy. As a creative, I believe we don’t have to want to belong to oneContinue Reading