
You know the word entrepreneur. It pops out from behind every corner of the internet, on every book cover, every blog post. It’s no coincidence. You are thinking about it, constantly. The universe is trying to tell you something. Mainly, that inside the next generation workplace, you should be one.Continue Reading

First, there’re a couple of key things you must now right off the bat. A personal brand is not built in a day. You create your brand with your journey. Your personal brand is you. So, Who are you? What do you stand for? What do you believe in? How toContinue Reading

Are you overlooking the power of being a creative writer? Creative side hustle ideas abound. For many years I neglect to look into them to explore my passions and ended up feeling an uncomfortable frustration that came from within. If you are a writer having any or all of thoseContinue Reading


The thing is, good enough valley is overpopulated. “Average” station has the fullest trains. And following the job description to a “t” might make you dependable, but not indispensable. On the other hand, singing from the mountaintop is not for meant for everyone. A selected few will ever reach there,Continue Reading


It’s all about the doing. But I’m all about the thinking! or rather about the overthinking. I could spend bottomless hours diving deeper and deeper into my own thoughts. Aimless contemplation has been a preferred pastime since childhood. I studied English Literature because it combined the luxury of reading, writingContinue Reading


What do you stand for? That’s one foundational question you must take time to ask yourself, because what you stand for dictates what you believe in from the core of your being, what values and principles guide your life, what are you willing and ready to do, when and whereContinue Reading


Ugh! to be in a job environment that’s uninspiring, draining, bland and meh… Not all of us are (or will ever be) lucky enough to work in a place that’s open to creativity, supportive of curiosity and willing to provide opportunities that push us to the limit and offer spaceContinue Reading


This is a message for all education entrepreneurs and creatives with an innate and burning desire to step outside the box, communicate, inspired, and entertain their way. That is teaching in a nutshell and the time to start is now. Maybe you are considering teaching as another stream of income,Continue Reading