
Weekends are for Creators… And I can’t wait to partake of the digital conference by Create & Cultivate. If you don’t know what Create & Cultivate is all about I invite you to discover them here. You could think of it as a network of empowering conferences and resources gearedContinue Reading


There’s people out there, companies, teams, private individuals looking for solutions, solutions they cannot manufacture, solutions they might not even see. They are willing and able to pay you, pay the freelancer, to bring those solutions to life. Could they sit down, and find the solutions themselves? They could. CouldContinue Reading


Creative leaders need to find assertive ways to communicate their vision. No matter how innovative or game-changing an idea might be, if it comes out of us poorly expressed it will lay flat on the floor, it will not reach the emotional core of our audience or engage its intellectContinue Reading

From the creative mind of Joseph Gordon-Levitt and his team sprang the concept of a collective of online freelance creators, with the aim to promote collaboration across all fields, interests and skills. HitRecord functions as a production company based on a crowd-sourced model. Artists, actors, musicians, designers, photographers, creatives ofContinue Reading

To be an engaging educator you have to be creative. You might not see yourself as an educator. But you definitely are if you are: passionate about sharing your knowledge or experience through any online or offline channel. a born or learned communicator. adding value to others by exposing themContinue Reading

Before we can greet another creative month, let’s review some of the tools and experiences we enjoyed the most in April. In no particular order 😉 Book Fairs. The month of April signaled the beginning of book fair season. We love following the progress of local and international book fairsContinue Reading

Gio Camacho is on a mission to deconstruct personal branding as we know it and remake the concept, not just with a human face but a human heart. I met this creative at a recent local expo. He was there to support clients and colleagues, promote creative industries and doContinue Reading

My self-published trade book arrived and I must say, I’m pleased with the final product and the book-making process with Blurb as a whole. These are the details of the book I made: Trade Book Format (size 6×9) Soft Cover Economy, standard paper (matte) 28 pages. Text and images. FirstContinue Reading

Introducing the featured creative section. The artists, writers, illustrators, designers, and performers that will be featured in this section have made an impression on us. They have talent but also initiative, charisma, and vision. They are leaving an authentic stamp in their world and have a new perspective and a personalContinue Reading