
An authentic love letter to myself, Today might be the worst possible day to ask yourself the question: What is your authentic love. Or maybe the most appropriate. Because, on this day you feel vulnerable and ready to stay on the surface of your feelings. Dare to dip your headContinue Reading


Workdays can drag on in passive lethargy or pass by swiftly in action and flow. And to fuel your workflow there’s nothing like harnessing the power of a personal passion. A personal passion can be work itself, but more often than not, as employees, we feel lacking. Work, on itsContinue Reading


The Nightmare Before Christmas for me was an acquired taste. At the time it came out, weirdness and eccentricity were two things I wanted to avoid at all cost. I was also nine years old, a very jumpy and easily scared nine-year-old. The movie was not for me. I’m moreContinue Reading

(This post was inspired by Blurb‘s creative question: What’s your perfect creative Sunday) When Monday rolls around, do you feel energized and ready to face a brand new week? Do you feel the full force of your creative self, ideas and potential oozing from your creative soul? or do youContinue Reading

Ok, so we’ve had the breakthrough idea, we’ve experienced the inspiring aha moment that propelled us toward a new project. That intense feeling, that rush of creativity is powerful and unique, but with the same intensity it comes, it goes. How can we capture some of its magic for longer?Continue Reading

I must confess, for years I had a negative view of routine. Even as it was part of my daily life, instead of believing my routine was a source of self-empowerment I saw it as confining and restrictive. Is it friend or foe? Of course, as a child and adolescent,Continue Reading

Are we all meant to be that urban, edgy creator, disrupting the streets with thought-provoking murals? Or that bohemian creator walking, with easel and canvas in hand, or a guitar strapped to her back, heading out into the wilderness? Are we all meant to be changing landscapes with our colossalContinue Reading

Every day, every week and month is full of potential discoveries. I want to wrap up a month of progress with a roundup of my favorite products, insights, discoveries and creative milestones. Here we go! Favorites:  Milano Sky for an accent font Pexels for visual inspiration Trello for visual organizationContinue Reading